Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Day will come

Last week I had visited an institution named Maharaj Surajmal College of Education for a meeting with the Head of the department. As I finished telling him about our initiative, he appeared interested and asked me to meet the Director of the institution because it would be he who would ultimately give the final consent.

Upon requesting the receptionist to set up a meeting, she in turn asked me to meet some administrative officer Mr.Chopra. He was already in a meeting with someone and so I had to wait for about half n hour to enter into his cubicle. As I was introducing myself, he told me that his students are far too much busy in their studies and therefore have no time for such things. I tried to reason him out on this but he got slightly disturbed and told me that he has been doing a lot of things around for the environment. I asked him to tell me two positive things that he might have done in the last ten years for the environment which would also inspire me to do the same and protect our planet. Upon hearing this he came down heavily on me. And obviously so, because he had no answers to what I asked him. We got into some arguments and ultimately I had to leave but not before I said a big Thank You to him.

The reason I must thank that gentleman are twofold. First, it makes me a lot more determined in my fight against this change of mindset which I had also mentioned in my last post. If we at i-dream can do things to influence such tough nuts, it will be a real victory for us. Secondly, I feel that Mr.Chopra in his capacity as an administrative officer had absolutely no right to talk to me like that and misbehave. I guess just because I am nobody right now, did he dare to talk to me like that. I do understand that these are the challenges which would come along in this entrepreneurial journey, but then it is these challenges which make me a lot more convinced that we need to do something so good and so big that these very people stand up as we enter their rooms. As the title says, hopefully one day that Day will come. Till then, its Thanks You to Mr. Chopra.

My i-pod simply loves Shahrukh Khan, the king of romance and just can't get over the latest hit, " khudaya khair...khudya khair" from Billu without the barber. Enjoy!

Friday, February 20, 2009

First Orientation Session

The latest from i-dream is that we have designed a new 2 Day workshop for the students at the graduate and the undergraduate level. The idea is to go to the youths of the country and try to influence their mindset. A very difficult task, I can assure you.

I did my first orientation session regarding the same today at College of Education, a B.Ed college imparting training to future teachers. We know that this profession was once a worshipped one but today it has become a lot more commericalized. Nonetheless, a teacher still has enormous power in his/her own individual capacity to influence a large number of minds during their entire lifetime.

Students and other people present today liked the session, but when I asked them whether they would be willing to spend Rs. 300 to train themselves on environment, only 10 out of I think 70 odd people said yes. That is the irony of the situation. I asked them if I give you Rs. 500, what would they do with it. I heard all the typical answers like shopping, movie, good food etc but none came up with a socially relevant answer. That is certainly unfortunate but then that is also the reality. And it is against this mindset only that I am fighting.

The journey to a green tomorrow is a journey about joining the dots. The dots in this case refer to the people. It is not like we talk to some 100 people, educate them about environment and everything would be set right. This journey has to go on from one group to another, one institution to another, one area to another, one city to another and may be ultimately from one country to another country. Its a slow journey but trust me, its worth it. And I am sure and I hope that others will join in the journey as well, sooner or later.

My i-pod is enjoying the feel of this wonderful city of Delhi these days and with Dilli-6 releasing today, it has as usual got the perfect timing by switching on now, " ye shahar nahin mehfil hai, ye dilli hai mere yaar". Enjoy!