Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sometimes its just not your day!

I woke up today in the morning knowing I had nothing much to do through the day. Very lazily got ready, drove all the way to DU only to spend just two minutes and drive back to the office. On the way, while I was sitting idle in my car over a red light, a santro hits me from behind. The girl gestures to me as if she has obliged me by hitting my car. I mean, this is the worst that can happen for an accident. You are relaxing, your engine closed as it is a long red light and still someone ( and that too a girl) manages to hit you and leave a scar on the body of your newly bought car.

Sometimes few days of action are followed by a few days of lull. On some days, the vision is crystal clear and yet there are days when things appear a bit blurred. These days currently are silent days. Somehow, after setting up the base, things are not moving forward with the same speed I had expected them to. There could be several reasons to it as well, some personal, some strategic. And then there are days like today, when you feel like letting yourself loose. I wish I could get the best bunch of friends together, go out for a movie, have a good lunch/dinner and simply freak out. A conventional thinker at such a point would tell me that this is not how entrepreneurs should behave. They should be full of energy and confidence at all times.

I say that when we read about entreprenuers, somehow those few pages of a book are unable to capture the essence of their actual struggle. Because if they actually would have, I am sure I can then defy the conventional thinking. Anyways, whatever it may be, as of today, even though my vision is clear, it is yet somewhat blurred and there is a slight lack of assurance about the same. But I understand one thing for sure, this is not the end, this is just the begining of where I want to be and I need to defy these odds and look ahead. But it is easier said than done. Sitting here in my office, I am undergoing a very strange feeling. Good thing is I am not leaving it here, atleast not before I fight it out. Yet, I must admit that today is a strange day.

Even my i-pod is not in a mood to play any refreshing number. And so, I will finish on a thought that I learned recently:

Its never the end that matters...
Its how you finish it
Can you finish it Strong?

Here's hoping that the dullness in the air will soon go away and the rest of the day will shape out well. Amen!

1 comment:

Nits said...

Bro tis is not the end for sure ....Its the best beginning , will surely pay off...:):)