Sunday, November 16, 2008

Exciting times ahead

Last week went well with meetings going successful, work progressing well and the guitar lessons moving on in full swing. And the week ahead promises to be the most exciting in the journey so far.

The second phase of content development would get over in the first two days. Moreover, some more input is also expected from two different sources which would defintely add a lot more comprehensibility to the content developed so far. Why things would now take an interesting turn is because if the second phase is cleared with no more alterations, the idea would now move on to the pilot or test stage. This would involve testing of the concept in a real life scenario, wherein we would actually go ahead and conduct test sessions in front of students in schools and get a real time feedback on the acceptibility of our concept on various parameters. Ofcourse this would involve convincing one school to allow us to do what we intend to do. We have a good product on our hand ( well, atleast that is what I believe !!), the challenge now is to take it to the right people or to put it more conventionally to market it well to the target audience.

As the journey takes a new turn begining next week, as I said the excitement levels are also rising. Yes. there are apprehensions but there is excitement ( repeated usage of the same word, but i do not remember any other) as well and as long as the level of the latter is more than that of the former, we will keep moving ahead, just like my i-pod has switched suddenly to the old classic " musafir hun yaaron, na ghar hai na thikana, mujhe chalte jaana hai...bas chalte jaana".

Enjoy the song, as I log off. Good night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go ahead full swing dear!

just thot of a point to make here.
remember that some schools may have their mid term examination and for some classes it will be pre board or something like that.

So watch out for that..

also let us know.. when can we come to attend the class? ;)