Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Have had two meeting in the past three days, and both of them were extremely successful. The project has now reached a stage where the work on content development is on in full swing. The first draft has received favourable response but there is a lot more work that needs to be done before things get finalised.

Ever since the project has gained some pace and momentum, a lot of apprehensions are also becoming an important part of my though process. The feeling of "what if" which so far had never come to my mind is suddenly affecting what I think, the way I act, and how I approach my work. There are so many doubts and questions for which I have no answers because somehow I am not blessed with a far sighted vision which is attributable to almost all the successful people in the past and the present. I am definitely convinced about what I am doing, I know where am I heading but I am unable to figure out what would happen if anything anywhere goes wrong. Actually, the problem with me and has always been with me is that I just cannot visualize things going wrong, the hope that I have from life is immensely positive, which means that no matter what, I believe that if I have put in my best, somehow somewhere things will fall into place.

I am at a stage where there is absolutely nothing to fall back upon and therefore the only way I can go is move ahead. I guess that should be the answer to any query or any apprehension that I have as of now. Just keep the spirit on, believe in yourself, and keep moving ahead. Guess, this is exactly, what I would intend to do from tomorrow, work with a lot more passion, with a lot more attitude and with a lot more conviction.

Now, I realize, how wonderful it is to write a blog and discuss everything with you. Probably sitting alone in my room, I would have just slept over all my fears and might not have ever come up with a solution to my negative thought process. Thanks dear blog!

By the way, Praveen underwent an operation today on his nose. Get going soon buddy, we have a lot of work to do. It was just a small operation though, but small or big, an operation is an operation and it definitely brings in not very good or healthy feelings. And since, it was Praveen, I was a lil worried throughout the day until I spoke to him in the evening and got convinced that he is all well. So once again to you bhai, get back to shape soon!

Amongst all the blogging war that has been going around in the MDI group since past two days, we have still not come up with something nice and relevant to gift to PP. Soon, his marriage will be around the corner and like always we would still be struggling to gift him something which he can cherish all his life. Don't blame me PP, but people are not ready to listen to my wonderful ideas.

And what is this, why is my i-pod playing, "mere yaar ki shaadi hai", its still time to go for PP's marriage. But anyways, as I log off, you guys enjoy the song.


Dips said...

wonderful ideas for PP's gift! I would like to put on record that only Janet has come up with a decent idea till now.
Lets continue our discussion in your blog :-)

Unknown said...

Hey Rohit! way to go man!

Look at it this way. its gud no that you are not able to visualize things going wrong. So many people in this world dont even take the first step because they are clouded by the 'what if's.
I'm proud of u boy.

As for PP's gift goes..

My idea has been rejected and I'm totally dissapointed by none other than PP himself.

Hence now I'm going to go with what everrybody else decides...

Dreamz-The dreamer said...

@ Deeptiji: waiting for u to start the discussion.

@Janet: thanks for the belief.

And I still very much like ur idea, i think it was the best