Sunday, May 24, 2009


What happens when someone close to you does not trust you with what you are doing? You fill completely demoralised and as the title of the post says completely disillussioned. You don't feel like moving ahead, you begin to lose your passion and the worst you begin to question yourself with what you are doing in your life. The question of "What if" becomes all the more stronger.

So, what do we do in such situations. And one will face such a scenario if one is undergoing a journey which does not define the usual convention. If someone has a certain answer to it, you know whom to talk to. I am as of now, completely blank not clueless though. I feel like running away somewhere far far away. Let me know if you have an answer.

And things are so fizzled out that even my i-pod has exhausted all the battery and is lying motionless in one corner.

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