Friday, June 5, 2009

Competition is hotting up...

Just read about one of TERI's initiative in the field of environment education. What they are trying to do is very similar to our concept as well. In such a scenario, the odds are certainly stacked against us. And there are reasons as well.

TERI is ofcourse a very big and influential organization when it comes to anything to do with environment. And after Dr. Pachauri got the nobel prize, TERI has come under a lot more limelight. However, I must admit that they are doing fantastic job as well undertaking several very good research projects. Moreover, it is much easier for them to get any sort of tie-up whether in media or any sponsorship. Akshay Kumar infact endorses their Soldiers of the Earth comic series.

But, how well are they able to sustain their initiative on environment education is something that I would need to watch out for. Because if they do manage to do well, it will create some very stiff competition for us, atleast in the city of Delhi. Lets see how it goes on from here. Some highlights of TERI's initiative:

"The Soldiers of the Earth campaign, an all encompassing, environmental awareness generation programme launched by TERI Press, the publishing arm of TERI and India's first green publisher, in collaboration with the ONGC is all set to go to the grassroots with the start of their school awareness programme in early July this year.
The programme includes innovative components like books, workshops, educational learning material to educate, train and encourage children from all walks of life to learn more about the world they live in and encourage them to act towards saving their planet.
This phase aims to raise awareness among school children towards conservation of the environment in the school, at home and in the locality. Activities such as rainwater harvesting; vermi-composting; tree plantation, slogan-writing, and poster-painting competitions, as well as 'reduce, reuse, recycle' campaigns would be carried forward in schools across India"

My i-pod is reminding me of the Lagaan spirit,
" koi humse jeet na paave...chale chalo..chale chalo.." Enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

unn.. try to look at it this way - 'they plough the field for you, and you can sow ur seeds then. ' sounds interesting??

first of all, you should be proud of urself that u have envisioned something similar before a big environment organization planned about it.

second, you should be happy if out of their awareness campaigns you can derive some mileage.

third, they might not really be ur competition, remember big organizations are slow moving elephants. and they will probably not be able to reach each and evey school.

fourth, u have some of the profs from IIT helping you out. you got the big names as well.

so i guess, there's some sort of benefit for you in it than all loss.
think about it.