Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Look down your window - What does it say?

As I look down from the window

I see the cars passing by
But don’t feel like driving ‘em

I see the bikes zooming around
Am in no mood to zipping away

I see people running for work
I remember a trip with the friends

I see girls late for the exam
How i wish I had given none in my life

Show me something new...O my eyes
And i close them
I open and look down from the window again

I see the drops of rain
And I want to get wet

I see the kids playing with the ball
And I want to join them

There is no past, no future and only the present now
And I ..........
have only the smiles

1 comment:

Nits said...

As always very nice bhai.... beautifully portrayed in bringing out the meaning.... keep up the good work.....