Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Anushree joining i-dream

Have known Anushree since several years but never have had the chance to interact with and ofcourse work with her ever.I have always admired for one thing though - for chasing her dreams. I remember distinctly, she had mentioned long time back about her passion for flying and becoming a pilot. And through all the ups and downs, she did manage to reach where she wanted to. Fantastic!
But thanks to recession and turmoil in the airline industry, she had nothing much to do once she came back from US post her training and therefore willingly joined i-dream. Most start-ups fail to rise up just because they lack a quality team. I must therefore thank my stars that in Anushree, I got a team member who is smart, intelligent and most importantly sharp in dealing with people and situations. If nothing else, she did give me the confidence that I can now take i-dream to the next level. Ofcourse we have miles to go, but such a start has been possible only because I had Anushree in my team.
Even though I would want her to be a part of my team forever, yet I wish that she gets back to where she belongs to sooner. Because even then she would continue to inspire me that dreams do become a reality and all you need to do is dream.
My guitar has taken a backseat these days, all thanks to a terrible injury on my fingers. While shifting some heavy wooden stuff within our new home, I lost the balance and unfortunately it fell on my right hand. However, my i-pod is giving me good company as it sings along, " Aasman ke paar shayad aur koi aasmaan hoga....". Enjoy!

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