Sunday, November 30, 2008

Some observations

Since last three days all we have seen and heard of is news about terrorists attacking Mumbai. All of India has one, two or may be a lot more things to say about the whole incident, everyone has some opinion on someone or the other associated directly or indirectly with the episode. And so mentioned below are some of my observations based on what I have been seeing on TV before, during and after the incident:

@ Terrorists: 10 terrorists against more than 300 NSG commandos and yet they were able to hold ground for three days. I am highly interested in understanding the psyche of such men, what is it exactly that motivates them to kill innocent people, what is exactly the point which such people are trying to make, do they really think that by killing innocent people they will be able to win something for themselves, after all against whom do they have all the hatred and anger. If someone comes up to me and tells me to carry out such an act for whatever he may offer to me, I cannot imagine myself doing it. Then, what is it that is told to such men which motivates them to be a part of such operations knowing that they would not be able to hold their ground for long and would ultimately perish, which actually happens in most terrorist actions.

@ All political leaders: While the action was still being carried out, BJP runs a campaign wherein through a letter, our former PM Atal Behari Vajpayee, makes inability of the government to fight against terrorism an election agenda and seeks votes from the voters. And this campaign by the way is not even for national Lok Sabha Election but for the Delhi assembly election which were scheduled to be held on that day. How can a senior leader like him be a part of such a campaign? And how idiot can those people be who thought of such a campaign and how insensitive can those leaders be who approved of such a campaign. Rather than being in Mumbai and suppoting our commandos, politicians are busy seeking votes.
And then today morning, we hear about our home minister Mr. Shivraj Patil's resignation. So, instead of highlighting the point that he has resigned because of his failure to fight terrorism, all of the congress is focussing on the fact that L.K Advani did not resign in his time and look our minister has resigned. Again, a very basic lack of common sense and sheer stupidity on the part of our politicians.
Maharashtra home minister R.R Patil makes a statement that such small incidents keep happening in bigger cities. Can Mr. Patil please explain in what regards is this incident a small one. I feel that by making such a statement, he has actually degraded the sacrifices made by all those officers and men killed in the attack. How can someone be so idiot to make such a statement? Rather than asking for him to resign, he should actually have been sacked from his ministry.
In an all party meet convened by our Prime Minister, our leader of opposition and a future prime minsterial candidate L.K Advani is missing and the reason given for his absence is that he is busy in an election campaigning and therefore could not make it to the meeting. Fantastic!!! what is more important: coming to power and becoming a prime miniter or ensuring India's safety and prosperity. For someone who gives a higher importance to the former issue, has absolutely no right to be in the politics. Very simply, if someone is in politics sitting in Lok Sabha, his/her primary objective should be to ensure that India grows and becomes a developed economy but all such people worry about is how to rule the centre.

@ Raj Thakerey: Where are you Sir? Over the three days and beyond, no one has seen any comments from Mr. Raj Thakerey. I am sure everyone would have understood the point which I am trying to make, with people from all over the country and not just Marathis coming together and rescuing Mumbai. So, I just have one thing to say to Mr. Raj, this country India belongs to Indians and therefore all of us are first Indians and then Hindu, Muslim, Sikh etc and then may be UP, Southie, Marathi etc. Therefore there is no place in our country for someone who calls himself/herself first a Marathi or may be something else and then an Indian. So I would request Mr. Raj to take all the Marathis (who so ever feels that he is only a Marathi) with him and go to some place where he can find only the Marathis to live with. Why trouble us Mr. Raj, please leave our country and go. We do not want people like you in our country.
And I fail to understand those who support him. Can't such people understand that you are shedding the blood of your fellow countrymen and what is it that is stopping you from living together and in harmony. Such people seem to lack sheer common sense and how idiot or stupid can they be to follow an even more idiotic mind like that of Mr. Thackerey. So, please follow advise, simply leave, you will be happy and so will we.

@ Aam Junta: My friend calls me and tells me or rather asks me that her good friend from her engineering college died in the attacks and therefore what she should do. He was the only son to his parents. Then yesterday, I read an account of one of our alumni losing his very good friend. Do I or anyone else has any answer to the question which the girl asked? Aam Junta is defnitely angry, and wants to see some action now, probably every one has had enough. People are talking about the spirit of Mumbai, but the problem is that we are becoming used to terrorism, terrorism has now become a part of pur lives. This, my dear friends is an extremely dangerous sign and therfore our government and officials should take some action. If not now, then when?

@ Pakistan's involvement: News is coming thick and fast that all the terrorists belonged to Pakistan and there is a clear involvement of them in the attacks. But no action has been taken so far. Either, we have no proof to establish that Pakistan is involved or we do not want to do anything. If the Indian experts are so damn confident about Pakistan's inolvement, why don't we share all the evidence with UN, USA and other international bodies and help declare Pakistan a terrorist state. If all the world countires get convinced, we can look at cutting all ties with Pakistan, stop the supply of all the exports to the country and grow more international pressure on them to finish all terrorists camps and organizations. Remember, when America was attacked, they finished entire of Afghanistan and since then there has been no further attacks on the country. And in our country, attacks are happening regulary and at increasing frequency now. I can understand that it would not be as simple as I have written but this can certainly be one way, after all war may not be the only solution.

Today even my ipod has refused to play any song, it can't think of any for the occassion, so sad and so bad is the situation of our country!

1 comment:

Nits said...

Hey bro ....i can understand what every1 of us is feelin after this incident .....But to pen it down in such a nice way is remarkable .... well written ....