Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Time for the next turn

And Yes, the time has finally come to jump into the waters. To give a marketing perspective to what I just said, after having done with 3 Ps of marketing viz product, packaging and pricing, its time now for promotion.

The logo has been fixed and the first set of brochures were printed today. From tomorrow begins the task of going out, visiting each and every school and introducing what I am attempting to do. I did visit a few schools over the last week, just to get the feeler of how it would be to go in front of an unknown person and talk about my product. Trust me not all experiences were good. Its gonna be an extremely tough road ahead but then since I have already taken the turn, I now cannot take a U-turn, howsoever rough or as I said tough the road may be.

Am I nervous??? well, yes I am. However irrespective of what happens ultimately, I have to do it now. And so I keep moving and the journey continues.....

My i-pod has still not been able to get over the shock of Mumbai attacks and has refused to play me a song today as well. Good night!

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