Sunday, December 7, 2008

The first week....

So, last week I visited around 10 schools to begin with. Nothing spectacular has happened and very frankly nothing much was expected either, after all its just the first week at work. Anyways, in majority of the schools, one is not even allowed to enter the reception area and as asked I had to leave my proposal at the hands of some extremely dumb looking security men with absolutely no assurance whether the proposal would ever even see the door of Principal's office. But, then nothing else can be done in such cases except calling or visiting them again the next week and pursuing the matter further.

However, there were a few schools which entertained people like me, and made me meet either the principal or the concerned teacher. Surprisingly, most of them belonged to the DAV chain of schools. The end result so far is that one of the schools has agreed to hold the demo session in front of the teachers because they want to make sure that the content is suitable enough to be shown to their students. Though, I will not confirm it still as the concerned teacher has asked me to call on 16 of this month and then confirm. But trust on one thing, the response so far has been encouraging, lets keep our fingers crossed and see how it goes on from here.

However, the last one week has already taught me a very important lesson. As an entrepreneur or as anyone starting out on his own, one just cannot afford to have a big ego. I get ready everyday in the morning wearing a nice shirt, the best trousers that I have and a blazer on top of that, clean shave, well polished shoes and hairs in place, eager to meet up with the school authorities, impress them and convince them about the usability of the product that I have to offer. But then, in most of the cases, you are either turned away from the door, in some the principal is not even interested and throws away your brochure, in some the receptionist is asked to interview you ( i mean what she would understand from the proposal with absolutely no authority to take any decision, guess that's just another way to say NO). Frankly, while I was doing MBA or while I was in Marico, I have never experienced such a behaviour from anyone, not even from my seniors but am now gearing up even for the worse. And, that is exactly the learning that I have acquired, probably I would never have been able to react to such a behavior earlier, but now I have to, may be again and again and I don't know for how long. But hopefully things will change for good, one day, sooner or later.

In all this, I forgot to thank ( though I actually just can't thank him), or just mention about my dear friend Praveen. Someone who has believed in me, has stood with me in these times and has helped me beyond what anyone could even think of. Though its nothing new of him, but then this is something totally different and to go out of your way, to not only show care for what I am doing but also give sufficient time to me is truly exceptional as far as I am concerned and this is something which I will never ever forget. And I just hope, that we will forever stand by for each other. The guy truly has some exceptional talent and deserves to be doing a lot more from what he is doing currently and I can bet that he would be successful beyond one's imagination. Hopefully, with plans we have, this guy can defintely go places.

Time to log off and get ready for the week ahead. By the way my i-pod has finally decided to move on in life and is in a very wierd mood today. It has just turned on " Maa da ladla bigad gaya". You guys enjoy whereas I will go and make sure my mom doesn't listen to this one.

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