Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First School: Sorry Mr.Rohit, after the Mumbai terror attacks, Principal Mam does not meet any outsiders and netiher do we allow any outsiders inside the school premises.
I wonder what safety anyways the two guards, one extremely thin and the other too old to stand, can provide to the dear Principal Mam and to the students of the school. If terrorists do decide to pick this school, these two guards with no weapons would I am sure provide a lot more security to the Principal Mam

Second School: Mr Rohit, we have seen your proposal, please come for a meeting at 2PM today itself. So, Mr. Rohit quickly rushes home, goes for a quick shave, wears the best blazer he has and reaches 5 minutes before the schedule time. During the first visit, Mr. Rohit was not even allowed to go beyond the gates, this time reeptionist called him in, he was excited, he gave his card, the card went inside the principals room, the principal takes a good look at it, the receptionist comes out, she has a smile on her face, Mr.Rohit takes a step forward excited for a chance to meet another principal, receptionist appraoches and finally speaks, " Mr. Rohit, principal mam has a packed schedule this month and she says we might look at it sometime in Jan/Feb". Mr. Rohit tries his best to convince her to in turn convince principal mam for a meeting but guess its just one bad day for Mr. Rohit.

Patience and more of patience is what is needed to survive here. The sales team here at our parent company, AlfaTech has a lot of such stories to share and it is their patience and perseverence only which has shaped the way our company has grown over the past so many years. And I guess, its true for any sort of business set-up especially when you are new and are in the process of starting up. Otherwise as well, if we look at life in general, patience is one virtue which can help an individual cope up with a lot of issues and also prevent things from taking an unwanted or an unfortunate turn. So, patience my dear friends is what I have to keep and perseverence is what I have to follow.

In office right now, so no i-pod and therefore no songs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Proud of you my boy!!

Just dont let this enthusiasm fade..