Sunday, April 19, 2009

Last few days.....

Last few days have been tough and why?
1. Temperature is at an all time high in Delhi
2. Suffered a major disappointment when a potential contract could not materialize on an immediate notice
3. A thing as basic as a website is getting delayed. Numerous vendors, so many prices, so much negotiations and it is still not decided on who is designing the website
4. Brochure designing and then re-designing, editing, giving them for prints but the wrong format. I had to wait for two days for the printer to turn up again to take the correct format. ( I must mention here Praveen, for patiently being with me on this)
5. Have been sending out numerous mails to a lot of people for potential tie-ups, but none have responded. I don't understand, when people do not have to respond to mails, then why do they mention the e-mail ids on their website?
6. No commerical success means no cash flow. Its been five months now ( the sixth month has started) since I started working on this idea. Though no money crunch yet ( thanks to my previous empl0yer) but need to work out on something so as to generate some immediate cash inflow. I cannot use all my savings to finance my monthly expenses, they are meant to be invested into business and so they should be
7. Most importantly, people have started questioning on what I am doing. Quote from "Pursuit of Happiness", " If you believe in your dreams, do not let anyone, I mean anyone come in between you and your dreams". The words may not match exactly, but the essence is the same

But after about a month of struggling with all the above things and many more, the update is:
1. Brochure designing is done and they are getting printed
2. The entire content is now structured and very well defined
3. Have started working out on an alternate plan to generate some immediate cash flow. It will be launched in one-two days. Hoping it will be some success.
4. My belief is still intact. The fight ain't over yet.

" Yesterday you were poised to do big things, Today Take Flight"\

My i-pod finally syncs in with my my mood,
" socha kaha tha, yeh jo, yeh jo ho gaya
maana kaha tha, yeh lo, yeh lo ho gaya
chutaki koi kaato na hai hum toh hosh mein
kadmon ko thaamo yeh hai udate josh mein
baadal pe paanv hain,
ya jhuta daanv haia
bb toh bhay chal pade
apani yeh naav hai"


Nits said...

will taste the success soon ... all the best.. :):)

ShelleyS said...

"...dikhla de thenga un sab ko jo udna na jaane..
Udiyo na dariyo..
Udiyo na mudiyo.."