Thursday, January 15, 2009

Here come the Chota Haathi

15 January, 2009, lets mark this date because today has arrived the Chota Haathi. Its nothing but a beautiful silky silver coloured Maruti Alto Car. In a way, it becomes my first owned car, as it was financed partly through my savings and partly by my dad. And I shared the first ride with my very good friend Ankur and hence we now become life partners. But I would like to thank him, for buying my car means a lot to me and it was he who stood there with me waiting for endless hours before we got to drive the car...may be I bored him a bit today but I guess he has teased me enough to deserve this and even more :).

I also take buying this car as an investment into my business. In fact it is the first major investment that I have made so far in the business if I consider just the value of money. The car now would ease my movements through the city and help me cover distances faster than earlier. I sincerely hope that this investment would start to bear fruits as well and that too soon.

On the work front, nothing substantial has yet happened in terms of revenue generation though there are a number of prospects which seem to developing well. At this point, lets just keep fingers crossed and keep working at it with full enthusiasm and passion.

The best thing however are the guitar lessons. Chord lessons are now almost over and by how things stand right now, I am getting better at them. From this week, the lessons would get one step tougher when we would start to mix leads with chords. With a lot of practise and even a lot more of patience, I am sure I would only get better. So Rock On!.

My i-pod is happy today, as we just came from a good drive and had a real nice dinner as well. It is now playing, " Shut Up n Bounce" from Dostana. Enjoy!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yipppiii... tum car le liya!! BTW i think the car is luccky for u. Dekho abhi liya.. aur abhi pehla kamai bhi mil gaya... :)