Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year and the Journey continues....

2009 has come and plans have been laid out for the year ahead. The aim is to reach out to more and more number of students and spread the message of environment protection.

These days, the things are going slow. With schools closed for the winter vacation, I cannot even approach them. Hopefully from next week onwards, work would pick up some pace yet again as schools would start opening up. In the meanwhile, a friend of mine from school, Shifu Gupta has joined me and will be helping me in this endeavour. She is a Math teacher at school and going by what I have seen of her so far, she is a very good one too. What impressed me most about her was when I was thanking her for deciding to help me out, her attitude was that I don't need to do that. And the reason she gave me was that like me, she too wanted to do it and she is therfore making a very conscious choice. She also said that if we work hard there is no reason why we won't be successful. Hopefully, she will be able to maintain her enthusiasm for all the times to come.

My best friend from JMI, Gaurav will soon be leaving for US, in fact he is leaving in three days now. He is going to CMU, a very prestigious university to complete his MS. I am extremely glad that he is now going on to do what he really wanted to do and hopefully it will pave the way for all his dreams to come true. I wish him luck and all the success in the times to come. Work hard buddy for you deserve it all. However, I must confess that I would miss the good times that we have had and those long chats discussing the next technological trend and the next big business opportunity.

Its getting extremely cold out here in Delhi and my i-pod just loves this weather for it makes it go all romantic as it plays for the first time an english number, but the most romantic song ever, “My heart will go on....". As you sleep off, enjoy the song!

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