Monday, October 20, 2008

Dreamz : A begining

Today, as the clock struck sharp two in the afternoon, I entered the room for my first independent meeting after I left job. It was the usual meeting wherein one person was trying to convince the other on his concept but for me it was entirely different from the usual meetings that I have been a part of in the past. This was the meeting which would mark the beginning of my journey towards dreamz and hence it certainly goes into the record books.

The concerned person was Dr. Chirashree Ghosh, CEMDE (DU) who is an expert in the field of environmental science. During the discussion, it was apparent that she too very much liked the concept and showed some signs of wanting to be a part of it as well. She in fact gave some very good examples and facts which would help me to begin work on the content. The best thing is that she has agreed to help me in my endeavor, which I would consider as a good beginning. Tomorrow I meet another professor at IIT, Delhi. Hoping she too would like the concept and would want to be a part of it. Thought these are the very early stages but there is a certain amount of enthusiasm about all of it. I am sure as the things would progress, there would be far more momentum coming along. My target is to be ready with the module by the end of this year so that by January 2009, we are ready to launch and can begin with pitching to the schools and concerned authorities. 

On the other hand, with i-dream, things seem to have taken a back seat. There are a lot of ideas occupying our minds, both me and Gaurav indulge in a lot of discussion about all the ideas, but we are yet to set our minds on one of them so that we can begin some practical work on the same. Yesterday in between another round of heated argument, we have decided to keep 31 October as the deadline beyond which we would concentrate only on one idea and conceptualize it completely. 

Btw, I went to Jamia yesterday. Took the ring road, drove all the way to Ashram and nothing had happened to me. But the moment I took the right turn from the Ashram red light towards the campus, four glorious years of my life flashed right through my eyes. Though a lot of people were informed of the meet but only a few had turned up. However, the highlight was taking a walk across the campus, up and down to our department, opening the doors of our classroom, trying to remember where each of us used to sit and the icing on the cake was meeting a professor of ours, whom am sure everyone used to love from the bottom of their heart ( understand the underlying meaning). The faculty as such has undergone a lot of change, with an environment engg lab and a nano technology lab coming up. We then went to Mc Donalds, had our favorite burgers, and then  headed to Al-bake to have the world famous paneer rolls. It was truly wonderful, in fact just about fantastic to have got a chance to visit the campus and relive all those moments. 

"Purani jeans" is now playing in the background, perfectly capturing the mood just set in. Enjoy

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