Thursday, October 9, 2008

A tribute

With a dream to live an independent life, a life not governed by anyone but himself, he set out on a journey in the year 1993 . The mood was apprehensive all around, he had a wife and two children to take care of, most members in the family were negative about the decision, but he was determined for he had the attitude to succeed and most importantly he believed in his dreamz. 

The first year turned out to be the best of what could an entrepreneur ever dream of. With the contract value of over one crore, everyone was suddenly so positive about the entire idea of jumping into the business. He took his family out for dinner at Richi Rich restaurant to celebrate the wonderful start. There were smiles all around. 

But then it is said that about 95% of start-up businesses fail in the first five years and it is such a time which is a real test of character and perseverance. From everything being rosy, things took a 180 degrees turn and the next few years proved to be the toughest ever. With deteriorating cash reserves, growing disbelief among the family members, it was proving extremely difficult to sustain and still run the household. But he never gave up, he stood his ground firm and determined. His wife was standing with him in these tough times and it was she who gave him the courage to go on and fight it out.

And he did fight and one must say he is very good at it. For these difficult times brought the best out of him. With not much success with the foreign partners yet, he ran the company on his shoulders for one complete year doing all kinds of instrumentation service work which no one would expect a head of a company to do. But such were the times and such was the struggle.

It is said that if you have the attitude to achieve your dreamz, you would end up turning your dreamz into reality. And he is the most appropriate testimony to the statement. His perseverance finally paid off when the products which his company was marketing finally found a stronghold in the market. From then on, it was no looking back. The company started growing from two people to a current staff of 10 people, a client list spanning all the major institutions, research labs and renowned scientists across India, from just a one small room office to two bigger rooms.

There was a time when he and his family used to travel in buses, second class railways, now they don't even have to think before booking an air ticket. There was a time when his wife had to think twice before buying her son something which he desires, now her sons don't have to think twice before buying anything for themselves. There was a time when they had a 1986 model bajaj chetak, now they have a car of their own. There was time when they used to live in a rented house, now they live in their own apartment. His children have and are completing their education from the best institutes without any hassles.

These are may be just the materialistic things, but an important aspect of a wonderful life which he has given to his family. However, more than this, it is the satisfaction in his face at the end of each day which matters the most, the satisfaction of having stood the test of time and emerge out victorious. Truly there are certain things in life which money can't buy. 

If you are still wondering who is this "he" mentioned above, I say proudly that "he" is my dearest father. And this was just a small tribute from me for all that he has done for us and all that he has achieved in his life.

I will sign off now and leave you with the wonderful song, " ye honsla kaise jhuke, ye arzoo kaise ruke....manzil mushkil to kya...dhundhla saahil to kya" from the movie DOR.

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