Tuesday, October 7, 2008

the journey so far

Its been almost a month now since I came from Goa. And what have I done so far, nothing substantial yet but a certain start has been made in a lot of directions. 
First thing, I have joined a gym, to keep  myself fit, healthy, feel and look good. It is very much true and I also believe that there is a direct correlation between you feeling good and therefore being confident as well. An early morning jog through the roads of Pitam Pura followed by some weight training at the gym gives a very head start to my day. In the campus at MDI and even while I was working, I always used to wake up by 8 or 8:30 when almost the full of sun was glaring at my face, during holidays it used to get worse with wake up times of sometimes 11 as well. You wake up so late only to realize that half of your day is already gone. Plus I have also over the period of time realized that later you wake up, more lazy you feel and more lazy you feel, more of your work either gets delayed or never gets started at all. On the contrary when you wake up early, you carry the freshness of early morning all through your day. Besides my gym sessions make me feel ready to take on the challenges of the day with the same zeal and effort as I lift my weights. 
Second, I have begun to understand my dad's business with a lot more details. Though technically, I am still not very comfortable, but slowly and gradually I am trying to understand the tricks involved in this kind of business which is in total contrast to the fast paced business that I used to lead at Marico. This one's all technical with most of the clients in government sector, where things run even slower than my IBM laptop. I have heard stories of people waiting for 4-5 years to get funds to buy instruments from us. I can actually devote an entire chapter on why India is still so behind in the field of research. Anyways I am trying but frankly I am not that patient, therefore I am on the lookout of a business opportunity within this company which can be slightly fast paced. 
Third, I have started working on an idea of setting up an engineering solutions company with Gaurav. I still cannot tell you all about the ideas that we are working at, but I can assure that the ideas are certainly interesting and if they click, we can very well be the next wave of innovators. We have recently participated in a contest Eureka being held at IIT B. Immaterial of whether we win or lose, it has certainly given us momentum as we now have almost the entire concept ready on paper. These days we are in the process of developing the application, this is where Gaurav takes over and hopefully I will chip in as well with whatever little things that I remember of my engineering. 
I am also working on one more business concept, though am just not able to find sufficient time to kick start it. With competition growing in this segment with a new company coming up every day, it is high time that I start some serious work, because I have a very strong feeling that it can be made operational in the least time possible.
Forth, I have started to maintain this blog which will definitely help me satiate my desire for writing.
Fifth, I am yet to restart my guitar lessons, but with some luck and some time, I should be able to do this within this week only.
So, that is where I stand in the journey of dreamz. So far, things have been hopeful and looking good and I will hope that with continued hard work things will only improve from here and through this blog I want you to feel a part of this journey as well. Whatever may be the destination, lets enjoy this dream journey together.
Good night as the song, " Bakhuda tum hi ho, " plays in the background.


Unknown said...

kya baapu sab likh daala. grt start, wish you all the very best in realising your dreams.

Dreamz-The dreamer said...

thanks baba