Friday, October 24, 2008

So far....So good

5 meetings over the past week, favorable responses from all, concept has been accepted by all of them and so I say, so good. There's lot to happen still, there's lot to be done still, its a long way ahead, but I can feel a sense of excitement similar to what one would feel while planning or thinking about the journey ahead to the hills or to the beach during the coming holidays.

Went to the three most famous campuses in Delhi this week, first to IITD then DU and lastly JNU. As you enter each campus, you are greeted by young college students strolling around, some with books in their hands hurrying up to be on time for the class, some hurrying up to catch the latest movie first day first show, some just sitting in one corner or under the tree, some alone and some hand in hand. The first movie that I had seen during first year in my college was Ajnabee starring Akshay Kumar, Bobby Deol and Kareena Kapoor. We were around 11-12 people, had just got over from our first sessional exams and as a part of celebration, we had gone to see the movie, apparently a hit thriller from Abbas-Mustan. Don't remember much about the movie but sitting in the front most seat with so many friends around was certainly lot of fun which I still remember distinctly. The movie was of course followed by a number of other movies and run offs from the college to play cricket, to eat a Rs 20 burger from Mc Donalds.

Why is it that my i-pod always plays songs as the mood I am in or may be I just choose to. Anyways, "Those were the best days of my life" has just been turned on, so Enjoy

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