Saturday, October 18, 2008

Initializing Dreamz

Nothing to write about the past week except the fact after a lot of discussion and thought, I have decided to go ahead with my plan to develop a module to create environmental awareness.

And with that , I am extremely glad to say that this would be my first step in my journey towards my dreamz. As, of now to be very honest, even though I have done some calculations, yet I am not sure how much money I am going to make out of this venture. But I am quite confident about one thing, the amount of mental satisfaction that such an initiative would give me would be far from what I would have ever got working anywhere else. Ofcourse, there is a lot more to be done, but one can definitely take this as a start of many more things to come. 

After I had discussed my plans with my dad, the same were postponed for about one complete week so as to also involve my uncle into it. And then I also got into a lot of discussions with a lot of people. Everyone with whom I had an interaction regarding this liked the idea but people were apprehensive about the revenue mechanism meaning how actually would I make money out of this. However, most important thing is that I believe in this idea, more so because I seriously feel that if we ought to have a greener, healthier tomorrow, someone somewhere has to do something. Hence, with that belief and self confidence, I have decided to move ahead and work on developing this idea. Beginning next week, I would be meeting some scientists and researchers and then take it forward from there. Wish me luck!

My guitar lessons are going full on. I must confess even though I am comfortable playing the basics, but its a lot of hard work and a lot of patience. Since childhood, music has been a very integral part of my life. It has all the elements which can define any state of an individual at any point of time. My music has stayed with me in my times of joy, in times of sorrow, in times of struggle and surprisingly even before the college exams. Yeah, my roomie and me used to play " haan yahi rasta hai tera" from lakshya just before each and every exam while at MDI. It became such a rage that the entire wing used to enjoy the song and then make a crack at the exam. Its the other thing that half of them including me still could not answer half of the questions, but we managed to pass anyways.

As the season is now making a shift in delhi (it is beginning to get cold), so is the song on my i-pod. Its now playing " pehli nazar mein kaisa jadoo kar diya, tera ban baitha hai mera jiya". Enjoy the song and have fun.

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